It’s Just Your Phone

“Why do you cry when you look at me?”

“But then on others you laugh.”

Its dark again.. I’m put away

I cry for you from this dark hole, but you just turn me off.

Why is that?


“Yay, light!”

I’m so happy to see you, but you give me a quick look and I’m back in that dark place.

Crying, and crying just begging to feel wanted, wanting to feel useful.

Yet, all you do is silence my cries.


You finally hold me, but then moments later you’re screaming, or you’re crying,

Do I only make you that way?


I’m in that dark place again.


Suddenly, I feel your hand grip me,

But it’s still dark…


I start crying for you,

You answer with a loud cry followed by, “I’m done,”

Then in a flash I was tumbling into the river only to lose sight and seize.


You may try and soak my wounds but I’ll never be the same again.


Doesn’t it seem so pointless to try so hard for something that means nothing to you?

What if you’re forced to learn it?

Just believe there is a reason for it, even if it means you’re lying to yourself, force yourself to believe its useful and always put your best into it because even when it may feel un-noticed, someone always sees.

You never go un-noticed.

You can’t take credit for my hard work.

Things bloom and grow out of nowhere.

That place that you thought everything was brittle and dead, is now flourishing with the most beautiful flowers.

All of the sudden things have been nourished and loved .

But what if you decided to leave when things seemed to be dead and brittle? Can you just come back and take credit for all the hard work thats been done?


You can’t just leave for the bad and come back expecting to see the good.

“An analogy on my life.”


Never get too comfortable where you are.

Things are always going to be changing and turning and switching to every direction that you never thought that things would go.

Never expect perfection, always aim to get better.

Once you may think things are settling is when they will flip the most. Those days where you feel it’s impossible to meet someone new or create a friendship because you’re so used to everyone around you.

Eventually some of those people will fade away into life and if you stay where you are you will get stuck alone instead of growing and changing with the human race. Change is good.

Don’t ever think that you will always be stuck where you are because you won’t, things are going to change.

Grow, Prosper, and Live.

What Will You Build?

Aspire to be the person you never thought you’d be able to be,

Aspire to love yourself and the life you have built around you.

Always remember it is never done being built, your life is a city and whether it’s a small village or a major state is up to you, it’s up to what you want to build and create in your life.

Some are happy with a small village but for people who crave to be better they want that city full of lights, but you will only get there if you realize that YOU are the one that will be building it.

Everything you do builds you city to one day be weak or strong, big or small. But like any real city they are never the same, like our lives are never the same as anyone else’s.

Such a View.

You can learn something from everyone you meet.

Everyone has a different perception of life, aswell as different views on conflict.

You learn something new from each person.

Learn to love and hate differently without changing yourself,

you form into those around you, catching on to the traits they carry, becoming a piece of each other.

You are who you hangout with.

I never believed this quote, but it is very true, you always become each other.

You mold and change, we all change everyday, some for the good and others for the bad.

You will never be the same person you were yesterday, and who you are today will not be who you are tomorrow.

This is how we as humans grow and prosper.

Learn from not only your mistakes but from the ones around you.

Take something from everything.