
Doesn’t it seem so pointless to try so hard for something that means nothing to you?

What if you’re forced to learn it?

Just believe there is a reason for it, even if it means you’re lying to yourself, force yourself to believe its useful and always put your best into it because even when it may feel un-noticed, someone always sees.

You never go un-noticed.


So many fixations for the little things,

fixations on death as well as afterlife.

What are the stages we may or may not go through after death.

What if life never truly ends?

Do you just die and come right back?

Fixed on believing that after this life you will move on to something better,

Something without all of the pain and growing.

You’ll go here if you’ve worked hard and made your dreams a reality.

Maybe that’s why no one truly says what happens after we die.

maybe “they know”

Not everyone is treated fairly, if you haven’t completed what you’re supposed to in your first life then maybe you’ll end up back here again.

I find this is why we as humans should always try our best, because you never know whats coming.

Trying your best may just be enough to succeed.


What Will You Build?

Aspire to be the person you never thought you’d be able to be,

Aspire to love yourself and the life you have built around you.

Always remember it is never done being built, your life is a city and whether it’s a small village or a major state is up to you, it’s up to what you want to build and create in your life.

Some are happy with a small village but for people who crave to be better they want that city full of lights, but you will only get there if you realize that YOU are the one that will be building it.

Everything you do builds you city to one day be weak or strong, big or small. But like any real city they are never the same, like our lives are never the same as anyone else’s.